Every day I rediscover my passion for words. The words I choose reflect my life experiences…both good and bad, happy and sad. Poetry is a subjective art form that allows the writer and reader to express their individuality. We each have our own perspectives. There is no right or wrong. Simply do what you love and love what you do. I hope that my poetry resonates with you. Thank you for being a part of my journey…

Through Mirrored Glasses

Every day I rediscover my passion for words. The words I choose reflect my life experiences…both good and bad, happy and sad. Poetry is a subjective art form that allows the writer and reader to express their individuality. We each have our own perspectives. There is no right or wrong. Simply do what you love and love what you do. I hope that my poetry resonates with you. Thank you for being a part of my journey…

Through Mirrored Glasses

Mirrored Glasses


I’ve opened my eyes to see the light of day
As I act out my role
Reflections from my soul
Be at peace and have some faith
We all have a part in one big play
Walk a mile in my shoes
Take a peek
You have nothing to lose
Follow your heart
As it is the conductor
Will you lead or will you sunder
Inability to focus
Don’t get distracted
Simply put on the glasses
Pay attention during classes
For beauty is in the eye on the beholder
Stay in the moment as we grow older
Let the light shine through
It will bounce from me to you